Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition that can be hard to diagnose, because its signs and symptoms are often not present until the disease has reached an advanced stage.
However, there are some factors that can increase your chances of #CKD, that
- Family history of kidney disease
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Heart (cardiovascular) disease
- Smoking
- Obesity
Check with your doctor or healthcare professional if you are among those at risk of develop #CKD and are experiencing the following symptoms:
Changes in urination
#Kidneys help filter blood and excrete the waste in the urine. When they don’t function properly, urination issues may occur, such as needing to urinate more often.
Reduced kidney function can lead to a build-up of toxins in the blood that causes a lack of energy.
Dry and itchy skin may be a sign that you have an imbalance of minerals and nutrients in your blood due to #kidneydisease. A frequent cause of itching, in the context of kidney disease, is a high blood level of phosphorus.
Swelling in your hands, legs, or feet
When the kidneys aren’t removing excess fluid and sodium from your body, swelling (also known as edema) may occur in your feet, legs or hands.
Shortness of breath
Extra fluid can build up in the lungs when the kidneys aren't removing enough fluid, which may cause shortness of breath.